Hours :
Practicals - 108hrs.
Therory - 72 hrs.

TOTAL = 180 hrs


  • Jal Netibb
  • Rubbar Neti
  • Vaman Dhauti
  • Kapal Bhati

Asana (Postures)

Suryanamaskar, Shavasana, Ardha Halasana, Uttana Padasana, Pawana Muktasana,Naukasana, Viparitakarani, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Ardha Shalabhasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Makarasana, Vakrasana, Janushirasana, Vajrasana, Ushtrasana, Yoga Mudra, Parvatasana, Akarna Dhanurasana, Chakrasana, Vrikshasana, Tadasana


  • Anuloma –Vilome
  • Ujjayi
  • Surya Bhedana
  • Bhastrika
  • Bhramari

Mudra & Bandha

  • Mula Bandha
  • Jalandhara Bandha
  • Uddiyana Bandha
  • Jivha Bandha
  • Brahma Mudra
  • Yoga Mudra





  1. Introduction to brief history of yoga

  2. Asan, Definition and Classification, Similarities and dissimilarities between Asana and Exercise

  3. Postural physiology with reference to asana

  4. Pranayama definition and classification, Difference between pranayama and deep breathing Importance of Purak, Kumbhaka., Rechaka.

  5. Brief Introduction to Kriyas, Mudras and Bandhas

  6. Philosophical Aspect of Yoga

    Astang Yoga

    • Chitta
    • Vritti – Main classification
    • Abhyasa and Vairagya
    • Concept of Isvara, Pursh and Prakriti
    • Concept of Klesas
    • Concept of Siddhi
    • Philosophical explaination of Asana, Pranayam and Kriyas according to Hatha pradeepika and Gherend Samhita
  1. Health, Mental Health, Hygiene, Mental Hygiene: Yogic and Medical perspectives.

  2. Yoga & Modem psychology : A synthetic approach for existential problems.

  3. Concept of Normality: Psychological and Yogic approaches

  4. Emotional disorders : Causes, effects and remedies in Patanjalai yoga Sutra

  5. Conflict, Frustration: Yogic Remedies.

  6. Personal interpersonal Adjustments through yoga

  7. Yamas, Niyamas, Asanas and Pranayamas their contribution to Physical and Mental Health.

  1. Concepts of Yoga and physical Education

  2. Means of Yoga & Physical education

  3. Application of Yoga & Physical education

  4. Concepts of exercise in Physical education and its comparison with Yogic practices


  • Structure
  • Organella
  • Function

Levels of Organization (introduction)

Levels of Organization (introduction)


  • Nervous System
  • Cardiovascular System
  • Excretory System
  • Circulatory system
  • Respiratory System
  • Digestive System
  • Endocrinal System
  • skeletal System
  • Muscular System

Reference Books

  1. Hath Pradeepika – Swami Swatmaram

  2. Gherend Samhita - Swami Niranjnanda

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